regulate smoking in parks, city-owned or controlled outdoor public spaces and business premises: NOTE: THIS GRANDFATHERED THE BUSINESSES WITH 'SMOKING IN PREMISES' LICENCES i.e., existing hookah lounges which if ownership or biz location changes, the permit to smoke ceases
transfer the amount of the Sale Proceeds from the Corporate Tax Sale and Land Reserve Fund from the sale of 6438 Byrnepark Drive to a newly created Housing Capital Resesrve Fund
implement SVO for the 2018 Local Gov't Election: designate specific dates and places to vote, e.g. Oct 20@Bby Hospital and Oct 09@selected senior's care centres and the like (when/where otherwise voting on the advance and general elections day would have been challenging for patients/residents)
to designate 2018 Oct 06, 10, and 13 as advance voting days, provide advance voting from 8:am to 8:pm and delegate authority to the Chief Election Officer to designate the advance voting locations
CONSOLIDATED FOR CONVENIENCEinstallation and maintenance of in-building radio amplification systems to provide uninterrupted public safety and emergency response network communications